Despite months of closed movie theaters, postponed releases, and stalled productions, the pop culture well has yet to run dry. Whether you found a screening for “Tenet,” or you’re staying at home to stream “Mulan,” there’s plenty of new releases to go around.
In television, the latest season for “PEN15” released on Hulu, along with the premier of HBO’s “Raised by Wolves.” Meanwhile, the recent Emmy Awards buzz has prompted viewers to re-visit shows they may have missed, like FX’s “What We Do in The Shadows” and the much lauded “Schitt’s Creek” on Netflix.
We’re covering all the standout pop culture moments so far this fall.
Find our other recommendations from previous versions of The Hit List here.
And find a rundown of the people, shows and movies we talked about in this tweet thread.
We’re live for this month’s edition of The Hit List, our monthly pop culture roundup. @Deggans, @JGHorn and @alissamarie join us.
— 1A (@1a) September 29, 2020
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