As the fall semester approaches amid persistent COVID-19 numbers, Oklahoma’s music educators are searching for ways to safely continue rehearsals and performances using recent studies on how particles spread in the air.
In mid-March, students across the country were sent home from school as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and educators searched for creative ways to give their students as full of an experience as possible through a computer screen.
The performing arts at OU and other schools statewide were among the most impacted by this new approach to learning. OU Director of Bands Shanti Simon said while the coming year may look different, it also presents many unique opportunities for bands to find new ways to share their music safely.
“It's really forcing us to think outside the box and to reinvent really how we share music with people,” Simon said. “So, in some ways, I think this could provide an opportunity for us to capitalize on areas of our performance and areas of our music study that we have maybe looked past because we could just do things the way we've always done them.”
Bixby Director of Bands and Coordinator of Instrumental Music Jeremy Parker said musical instructors have encountered challenges other subjects don’t often have in virtual teaching.
“You have many issues that can come into play there that maybe aren't as apparent in a normal classroom,” Parker said. “I think a lecture situation in a normal classroom can be somewhat more approachable in a virtual situation than it is with music and band in particular. Just the nature of it.”
Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association Director of Fine Arts Mike Plunkett said OSSAA Executive Director David Jackson decided on March 12 to halt all in-person events — such as performances, rehearsals and concerts — along with the cancelation of in-person school due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I mean, literally bands were on the stage performing (for a district contest) and we had to call and tell them to send them home — ‘go home, we're canceling the contest,’” Plunkett said.
OSSAA canceled all state music contests, including band, choir and jazz band in accordance with CDC guidelines advising against hosting large events with people in close proximity with one another. Plunkett said it was a difficult decision to make.

Norman High School senior singer and bass clarinet player Raz Bagajewicz said many spring events and concerts that she was supposed to participate in were canceled as a result of COVID-19.
“So many things that could have happened … were completely gone and we were unable to fix it,” Bagajewicz said. “It was incredibly stressful and worrisome that we wouldn't be able to ever play with certain people again.”
Now, as students prepare for the fall semester, Parker said many band directors are using a study from the University of Colorado and the University of Maryland to make decisions about safe practices for the fall semester.
“I know that most of my colleagues are referring to that study and sharing that study with our administration for recommendations on how we proceed,” Parker said. “I mean, it's just sort of an unprecedented time, and everybody's sort of figuring it out for themselves per district.”
The study was commissioned by the National Federation of High Schools to analyze the flow and release of aerosol pathways — the movement of emitted particles — specifically regarding performing artists. According to the NFHS FAQ page, over 125 organizations donated time, funds or resources to this study.
The study used the">Schileron test to analyze the effectiveness of some COVID-19 preventative measures to reduce aerosol spread from singers and instruments. Additionally, experts tested different rehearsal spaces, including indoor and outdoor areas, to analyze how aerosol spread differed.
These preliminary results provide general considerations for music directors, including the use of coverings, spacing recommendations and rehearsal times.
The first round of results — which includes aerosol spread data on the flute, horn, trumpet and a soprano singer — was released on July 13. A second round of results providing more specific details on more instruments and theatre performance was released on Aug. 6. The study indicates that masks and nylon bell coverings are effective in reducing the spread of aerosols.
In accordance with the study, Parker said The Pride of Bixby is using face masks for rehearsals during band camp through this week.
“The kids will have (PPE) in rehearsal just like they would have their instrument or their gloves or their marching shoes,” Parker said. “The face mask will be part of their daily uniform and their daily practice equipment.”
The study also found that a 6-by-6 foot distance around the students placed in straight lines, — rather than in arcs — will help reduce the risk of spread. Additional space will be placed around trombone players because of the length of the slide.
Additionally, the study suggests a group of students should not rehearse for longer than 30 minutes with a 20-minute break between each rehearsal to allow the air to properly circulate.
According to the NFHS FAQ page, these results are from the first three weeks of a six-month study. NFHS expects to release the second round of preliminary result guidance to the public in early August.
As part of the study, the University of Colorado has also developed a risk estimator tool, which calculates the risk of spread in a room based on the room’s volume and air filtration system. According to the study, the NFHS is currently developing a similar online risk assessment tool for music applications.
OU Director of Bands Shanti Simon said she recognizes that information, such as what is included in the study, could potentially evolve as researchers develop a deeper understanding of COVID-19.
“The COVID-19 landscape is constantly changing, and the things that we know about the virus and the spread of the virus are constantly changing as well,” Simon said. “So the first thing I want to say is that, as we plan, we will continue to generate these plans based on the most up-to-date information on the coronavirus.”
Simon said OU Bands will be limiting the number of players rehearsing together and creating a social distancing set up that includes plexiglass barriers around the players. Simon said they will also rotate which ensemble is rehearsing in order to create a schedule that allows for proper air circulation between each rehearsal.
OU Assistant Director of Athletic Bands Brian Wolfe said music directors should find different ways to perform because art is an important part of the human experience.
“I think the thing we need to do as artists is to look at other options,” Wolfe said. “Maybe it's not the traditional performance that we've been accustomed to. This opportunity gives us a chance to re-evaluate how the performance is interpreted.”
In addition to the recommendations from the study, other precautions will be put in place by music programs across the state, including the cancelation of in-person events and competitions.
According to the Oklahoma Bandmasters Association website, the executive board unanimously decided to cancel all 2020 state marching band contests, which Collinsville High School Director of Bands Rod Mackey said could discourage students.
“Obviously, the performances aren't going to mean as much because we're not going to contests,” Mackey said. “Our band program is traditionally one that's heavily competitive, because of the things that we go to, and we compete nationally and locally. So I think it's a big letdown.”
OU Director of Choral Activities Richard Zielinski said after conversation with high school band and choir directors, he doesn’t believe most students will be discouraged from pursuing a musical education..
“It's not that I think people are going to lose interest in it,” Zielinski said. “I think we're all going to appreciate things that we love to do and we aren't able to do in the way that we've been doing it for our entire lives.”
According to the Oklahoma Music Educators Association Facebook page, all auditions for state bands and choirs have been moved online. OkMEA will use Opus Event, an online platform that hosts auditions.
OkMEA Executive Director Jerry Huffer said the group is figuring out how it will proceed with virtual auditions.
“Students will go into a practice room or some room where they will be able to live-audition,” Huffer said. “They have a chance, a couple of times, to check the recording balances and all of that, and then when they hit the (record) button, that will be their live audition, and they can only do that one time.”
OkMEA has provided tutorials for students and directors about how to create an Opus profile for their auditions. Bagajewicz said these auditions are important for growth as a musical artist.
“You develop such a strong bond with the people that you meet, with the people that are there with your school, or the director, or with music as a whole,” Bagajewicz said. “It's a whole new experience that I think everyone should be able to experience, even if they don't get in. The auditioning process is so nice. It's a good development for young singers or players.”
Mackey said virtual auditions won’t be the same because the pressure of having a person physically in the room has been removed.
“Nerves can go either way. When you’re nervous, yeah, it kind of stinks, but it's also a physical response that helps propel you forward and helps you engage the brain more. So that part is going to be hampered by it being a recorded audition,” Mackey said. “You're not going to get that live feeling out of it … I think it's more difficult for an adjudicator as well. There's no substitute for live performance to hear tone quality and all those things.”
Zielinski said while many music events at OU were impacted by COVID-19, the audition process for the incoming class was hardly affected.
“Most of our auditions were done before spring break,” Zielinski said. “We did have some that were after that students did some YouTube or Vimeo auditions, but the audition process, I don't think, was affected at all.”
Zielinski said there are unique virtual employment options emerging for those interested in pursuing a performance-based career.
“I can still pay singers to (sing) online,” Zielinski said. “There's a new app called Acapella. I can actually put together a choir now online … I think once we turn the corner and as there will be a huge market for artists, going out not only in teaching but in performing.”
Simon said she believes there will be a global understanding of the restrictions resulting from COVID-19.
“I think every career path is dealing with these same issues of having to meet virtually, of having to be creative and how people are educated and (how) they get the information that they need to pursue a career,” Simon said. “ … I believe that our faculty and our administration and our students are all working hard to try to overcome this and to continue down a path where they can all get jobs.”
While the fall semester will require many adjustments, Plunkett said it is important that students are still able to connect through music.
“I can't tell you one kid that was in my English class,” Plunkett said. “ … I don't remember one person in my history class or biology class. But I can tell you, every single kid that was in band or choir or whatever, I remember those kids.”
Bagajewicz said she has created extremely strong bonds with her fellow classmates and can’t imagine her life without band or choir.
“It's a whole different level of family that you develop at school,” Bagajewicz said. “Some people have their family, in sports or in other things like computers or art. But for choir and band, for me, even if I don't get along with certain people, they're all like family to me and I
care for them so much. I can't imagine a semester or two without band or choir.”