Thank you to the 1,200 or so folks of the audience who became members during the Spring 2014 membership drive. About 250 people became new members! The total for the 7 day event was past goal and totaled nearly $177,350.
As you might imagine, for the staff of KGOU, the experience of the membership drive is both exhausting and exhilarating. The exhausting part is easy to understand. The exhilarating part is seeing the names of members set before us from the phone volunteers and staff who process the information.
A big THANKS goes to the many phone volunteers who give up their time to come to the KGOU studios to answer your phone calls and take the information.
We also thank the Norman restaurants who helped feed the volunteers and staff during the drive: McNellie’s, Jason’s Deli, Gaberino’sHomestyle Italian, Sooner Legends, Jimmy John’s and Donut King. We had challenges from Majors Energy and the Member Matching fund. And we had a give-away arranged by the Ambassador Hotel.
Thank you all so very much!