This is from the Manager’s Desk.
At the end of each semester, I like to recognize the students who have been with us for the past several months.
First, our paid student staff members: Cesia Rascon is the Calendar Editor, and her work is reflected in the events section of the KGOU web page and on the air. She’ll be back next semester.
Also returning next semester is Richard Bassett. He’s been working at audio production including recording and mixing some live band performances for the Weekend Blues.
Sarah Hurd has been producer of our student-produced program, Assignment: Radio, this semester. She is leaving us this month and we wish her the very best.
Graduating from OU this December is Leslie Corbly. She’s been working in the news department reporting several stories.
Taking classes for academic credit were Courtney Kearby and Patrick Smith in Radio News, and Daisy Creager was our intern in the Radio Practicum class.
We have enjoyed having these students with us!
From the Manager’s Desk, I’m Karen Holp.