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PM NewsBrief: June 6, 2024

This is the KGOU PM NewsBrief for June 6, 2024.

Proposed $1 Billion Arena/Entertainment District Headed To Norman Planning Commission

Leaders from the city of Norman and the University of Oklahoma met to reveal design plans for a proposed $1 billion entertainment district.

The entertainment district would be located near 24th Ave and Rock Creek Rd.

On Wednesday, tentative designs were released calling for bars, retail shops, office space, a hotel, and a multi-purpose arena.

The venue would host OU events in addition to non-university activities.

The project’s plan is set to go before Norman’s planning commission on June 13 before being presented to the City Council.

Norman Mayor Larry Heikkila said he’s confident city council will approve the project despite anticipated resistance.

If approved, the project would establish two tax increment financing (TIF) districts, allowing tax revenue from the area to fund the development.

The council could vote on the matter as soon as July 23, following two public hearings.

Lawmakers Push for Constitutional Amendment to Reinforce Voting Ban on Non-Citizens

Oklahoma lawmakers are calling for a vote of the people to strengthen the state’s ban on non-citizens from voting.

On the last day of the legislative session, Republicans pushed through Senate Joint Resolution 23, which calls for a state question asking voters to tweak a single word in the Oklahoma constitution.

Right now, it says all citizens of the state are eligible to vote in Oklahoma elections. That “all” would be changed to “only.”

Proponents argue it will clarify potential confusion about allowing non-citizens to vote in the future. Oklahoma City Democrat Carri Hicks isn’t buying it.

"I fail to understand where the confusion might lie when it is currently a felony to register to vote in the State of Oklahoma if you are not a U.S. citizen," Hicks said.

The measure is slated to appear on the November ballot.

State Agriculture Officials Remind Dairy Producer To Remain Vigilant Against Bird Flu

The bird flu is present in dairy cows in at least ten states. But, so far, it has not been found in Oklahoma.

Still, state agriculture officials encourage dairy producers to be vigilant.

Basic biosecurity measures for dairy farms can be as simple as washing footwear or wearing booties.

Alicia Gorczyca-Southerland is Oklahoma’s Assistant State Veterinarian.

She said state officials are asking dairy farmers to take those precautions and practice hygiene measures.

“I mean just thinking about all the things that could come on that farm, and we want to make sure that it is disease free before it crosses that line. And likewise, we don't want disease leaving that farm to go somewhere else,” Gorczyca-Southerland said.

Federal officials are requiring tests for lactating dairy cows that travel across state lines. But there are no such mandates for cows traveling within a state.

Despite all of this, food and dairy regulators insist the milk supply is still safe thanks to pasteurization and risk to human health remains low.

Three human cases of the bird flu have been reported in the U.S.

CDC officials say the people are all dairy workers.

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