StateImpact’s Logan Layden visited with OETA’s Lis Exon for the August 5 edition of Oklahoma News Report, after moderating a panel discussion on State Question 777 for the Oklahoma Policy Institute earlier in the week.
The discussion centered on the scare tactics being used by both sides of the right-to-farm issue: whether national animal rights groups are trying to force all Oklahomans to become vegans, or if Big Ag wants a license to pollute at will.
Oklahoma isn’t the first state to face a choice on a right-to-farm amendment to its constitution. North Dakota approved a version of right-to-farm in 2012, and so did Missouri in 2014, but it was a bitter, close campaign that came down to a recount.
So far in Oklahoma, the primary Yes on 777 committee is out-raising and out-spending its No on 777 counterpart by wide margins, according to a StateImpact analysis of filings with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission.
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