This is the Manager’s Minute.
KGOU’s new fiscal year began July first, so it’s an opportune time to look back... and ahead. Thanks to loyal individual supporters and business sponsors we’ve come through the challenges of the last year in relatively good shape. We were fiscally prudent and especially cautious - most of our team has worked remotely for sixteen months. Now, we’re making plans to return to the office while keeping our eyes open for a possible resurgence of the virus.
We’ve scheduled our first in-person community event since 2019 for July 27th at Oak and Ore craft beer bar and restaurant in Oklahoma City’s Plaza District. StateImpact Oklahoma reporters will be there to take your questions and discuss stories they’re working on.
Keep listening for announcements of other events to commemorate KGOU’s and NPR’s 50th year of operations. We’ll see you soon.
With the Manager’s Minute, I’m Dick Pryor.