Even though funding measures advocated for by 2018 Oklahoma Teacher Walkout participants were stymied largely by Republican lawmakers, Oklahoma’s GOP is now authoring record-level education funding measures that include teacher raises, along with a slew of labor rights bills for educators. But the funding bills are far from a done deal — in fact, due to a disagreement in how those bills should operate, there could be no deal at all.
It has been nearly one year since the teacher walkout, when thousands of educators flooded Oklahoma’s state capitol demanding better pay and more school…
In this episode of Capitol Insider KGOU's Dick Pryor and eCapitol's Shawn Ashley sit down with outgoing Governor Mary Fallin. The three retrace some of…
It’s about 9 p.m. in Coweta, a rural town south east of Tulsa.The election results are still trickling in as Cyndi Ralston, a second-grade teacher -turned…
In Oklahoma, nearly 100 current and former educators put their names on the primary ballot. At least two of those educators were inspired by the same moment during that state's teacher walkouts.
Public school teachers are watching closely as Oklahoma gubernatorial candidates promote and debate their plans for improving health care, tax policy and…
In this episode of Capitol Insider, Dr. Michael Crespin of the University of Oklahoma joins KGOU’s Dick Pryor and eCapitol’s Shawn Ashley to discuss new…
Tuesday is Oklahoma’s primary runoff election and in House District 20, an educator is campaigning to oust Republican incumbent Bobby Cleveland, who’s…
The latest counts of emergency certified teachers in Oklahoma capture a stubborn reality: Classrooms across the state are being staffed by a teacher who…
If there is one thing clear about Tuesday’s primary runoff election, it’s that voters and observers are in for a record level of suspense.Tuesday will…