Architects working on renovations to the Oklahoma Capitol have discovered two giant hidden doors on the south side of the building.The nearly 20-foot-tall…
A committee that's overseeing the renovation of the nearly 100-year-old Oklahoma Capitol has approved preliminary plans for overhauling the building's…
Workers are erecting scaffolding outside the Oklahoma Capitol as they begin trial repairs on the exterior of the nearly 100-year-old building.The work…
A Tulsa-based construction company has been selected to complete the repair and restoration of the interior of the state Capitol.State officials announced…
Approximately $50 million of the $120 million of bonds authorized to finance repair of the State Capitol will be offered for sale Wednesday and Thursday,…
A 5 million-pound dome placed atop the Oklahoma Capitol 12 years ago already is exhibiting cracking in its exterior cast stone panels, but building…
Oklahoma officials have selected a Kansas-based construction company with experience renovating historic structures to repair the exterior of the state…
An Oklahoma Supreme Court referee heard arguments Tuesday in a challenge to the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority’s application to validate a $120…
Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority members voted unanimously Monday to seek the Oklahoma State Supreme Court’s validation of the legislation…
The Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority took the first steps Monday toward the issuance of the $120 million in bonds that will be used to fund State…