The House and Senate each passed their respective versions of legislation dealing with proposed academic standards in math and English language arts…
The State Board of Education signed off on Oklahoma’s new English Language Arts and Math standards during Thursday’s meeting. They now await the approval…
Two of the three experts brought in to help Oklahoma create new academic standards say numerous flaws in the third draft show Oklahoma will likely fall…
Five million students are waiting to hear whether they made the cut after taking a new round of tests aligned to the Common Core standards. The answers have been tallied, but what counts as passing?
The Oklahoma State Department of Education held a town hall meeting Tuesday night—and invited the public to comment on the newly proposed state academic…
For the past four months, Oklahoma educators and other stakeholders have been working on new state education standards to replace the Common Core. The…
Oklahoma is writing new academic standards in math and English that in some ways go beyond the current standards and the now-repealed Common Core goals,…
Updated 12:20 p.m.House Speaker Jeff Hickman (R-Fairview) says no decision has been made about whether or not a controversial bill that directs the State…
A trio of experts in education standards will deliver presentations to a steering committee responsible for helping develop new academic standards in…
The Common Core had a rough year. The learning standards were repealed in three states, including Oklahoma. But what happens the day after a state repeals its academic standards?