Contingents from around the world gathered in Istanbul earlier this week for the first-ever United Nations World Humanitarian Summit. The goal is to…
Suzette Grillot talks with University of Oklahoma economist Firat Demir about how the millions of refugees streaming into Syria are affecting daily life…
No country has been more affected by the crisis of migrants and refugees fleeing Syrian than its northern neighbor, Turkey.Millions of Syrians have…
Suzette Grillot talks with Maxine Margolis, an anthropologist at the University of Florida and Columbia University’s institute of Latin American Studies.…
On Monday the 22 member states of the European Union plan to hold a special meeting in Brussels to discuss what to do about the hundreds of thousands of…
The latest figures from the International Organization for Migrants says more than 364,000 migrants have arrived in Europe so far this year, with 2,800…
Joshua Landis talks about Islamic State militants destroying significant artifacts in the Middle East, and Rebecca Cruise explains the ongoing migrant…