The federal moratorium that has protected some tenants from eviction expires Friday, July 24. As a result, eviction filings in Oklahoma are expected to…
Reveal digs deep - and gets results. This week’s episode shines a light on the consequences of some recent investigations.By mining data from 31 million…
Fifty years after the federal Fair Housing Act banned racial discrimination in lending, African Americans and Latinos continue to be routinely denied…
Forty years ago, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act, which required banks to lend to qualified borrowers in blighted neighborhoods. The act…
The demand for owner-occupied residential housing in downtown Oklahoma City continues to grow, so developers are adding more housing to the area.The…
A one-night survey of homelessness in Oklahoma City shows overall homelessness rates are down by nearly 10 percent. However, survey organizers say not all…
The rural areas in the U.S. where immigrant workers that pick crops like cotton and melons find work often lack the social services and affordable housing…
The city of Tulsa is conducting a study on barriers to housing choices in Oklahoma's second largest city.The goal is to identify whether there are…
The Oklahoma House has approved legislation to create a tax credit for low- and moderate-income housing in rural areas.The bill by Republican Rep. Mike…
Prices rose more than 13 percent in major cities across the nation in 2013. But there are signs that the best gains are behind for that key part of the economy.