If you occasionally hear another station interfering with KGOU's broadcast signal, or the signal becomes weak or fuzzy, it's probably not your radio. It's earth's atmosphere causing the disruption.
There is a reason radio signals may sound garbled or fuzzy this time of year. It's not your radio, and it doesn't just affect KGOU.
During certain times of year, temperature inversion, also called tropospheric ducting, interferes with broadcast signals and causes inconsistent and fuzzy sound.
The KGOU broadcast signal travels over a wide variety of terrain with diverse weather conditions. If you have noticed interference in KGOU's radio reception, you are not alone. And, there is a reason for the fuzzy sound.
During summer months, it is common for radio reception to experience interference. There is a scientific reason.
This is the Manager’s Minute.Every spring, generally in the mornings, listeners may occasionally experience a fuzzy or noisy signal. Our transmitters and…
This is the Manager’s Minute.Every spring, summer, and early fall, generally in the mornings, listeners may occasionally experience a fuzzy or noisy…