The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous drugs has revoked the narcotic prescribing license of Dr. Ronald V. Myers Sr., a physician in Roland, Okla., who prescribed 4.6 million dosage units of addictive drugs over an 18-month period in 2013 and 2014.
In a document filed Thursday, the bureau said Myers' record as medical director of the Wellness Clinic in Roland provided "clear and convincing evidence" of multiple instances of overprescribing activity.

The revocation of his prescribing license will take effect May 2 and remain in effect for one year. The bureau's final order also directed Myers to pay a $25,000 administrative fine and says he cannot reapply for a prescribing license if he fails to pay the fine.
Reached by telephone at home Saturday, Myers called the bureau's administrative action discriminatory and said he had no intention of continuing to practice medicine in Oklahoma. He said he planned to file a legal appeal of the order to "clear my name."
"It’s a travesty of justice because I’m being held accountable for the irresponsible actions of other physicians who were practicing at the same clinic," Myers said.
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