It’s election day. As you head to the polls you might wonder about the integrity of the polling place you're going to, or the voting machines themselves, or even how many dead people are voting in this election. Will your vote even be counted?
Paul Ziriax is the State Election Board Secretary and he says Oklahomans on their way to the ballot can rest assured their state’s voting system is accurate and secure.
“Post-election audits and manual recounts in Oklahoma have proven it over and over again," Ziriax said in a news release.
In a press release Monday, Ziriax published an audit report of the June 18 primaries. He says the audit shows a 100% voter verification match for certified election results.
The report was published one day ahead of the August primary runoffs, which will decide important legislative and local races across the state.
To register to vote, find your polling place, look at a preview of your ballot and access other election-related information visit the Oklahoma State Election Board Website.
Read more about what’s on the ballot in our election guide.
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