The agreement has unique stipulations. The tribe will turn over driver information for billing purposes, and in exchange, the OTA will pay $500 a month back to the tribe to cover administrative costs totaling six thousand annually.
Additionally, backlogged toll fees incurred by Sac and Fox drivers will be the sole responsibility of the individuals and not the tribe.
The agreement comes after Gov. Kevin Stitt and multiple tribes clashed over tag compact renewals as the new PlatePay system struggled to collect tolls from tribal drivers.
Notably, the Cherokee Nation recently signed a compact agreeing to pay $3 million to remove their citizens' toll fees after a tumultuous back-and-forth with the governor’s office.
Sac and Fox Principal Chief Randle Carter said he hopes his tribe is setting an example.
“As a Nation whose reservation encompasses a portion of Oklahoma’s original turnpike corridor, we know well how important this infrastructure is to daily life and commerce for both the Sac and Fox Nation and Oklahomans,” he said. “In signing this agreement, we hope to be a model to other tribal nations in how to mutually resolve the issue of electronic toll collection that replaced cash tolls this year.”
The three-year agreement went into effect in late December.
This report was produced by the Oklahoma Public Media Exchange, a collaboration of public media organizations. Help support collaborative journalism by donating at the link at the top of this webpage.