This is the Manager’s Minute.
September is a big month for special programming on KGOU. Our series of documentaries on education will conclude during the Sunday Radio Matinee this weekend. The final installment will be At a Loss for Words: What’s Wrong with How Schools Teach Reading.
A new four-part series on the technologies that watch us begins at noon on September 15th and runs through October 6th on the Sunday Radio Matinee.
I’ll Be Seeing You will examine the ways hacking, artificial intelligence, offensive cyber and data surveillance have crept into, and affected, our lives.
Also, this month, we launch a new season of How Curious, featuring legends, rumors and other curiosities about Oklahoma and its people.
Claire Donnelly’s first new How Curious episode drops on September 10th on KGOU, Apple Podcast and Spotify.
You’ll want to listen every Tuesday through October.
Until next time, with the Manager’s Minute, I’m Dick Pryor.