This is the Manager’s Minute.
KGOU reaches more than one million people in 36 counties.
And now that more Oklahomans are getting out and about again, we’re looking to you to help recognize communities KGOU serves through our “My Place” photo project.
Here’s all you have to do: Send us a photo that identifies your community. It can be a landmark, a building, or some other image that says “this is my place.” We’re using these photos to put together an online album that connects communities across our listening area.
You can even take the photos on your smart phone – just email them to us at We’ll use the best ones and put them on our website to celebrate the people and places KGOU serves.
Thanks for your help, and remember, be sure to wear a face covering and keep a safe distance from others when you’re out in public.
Until next time, with the Manager’s Minute, I’m Dick Pryor.