This is the Manager’s Minute.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives and work in many ways. At KGOU, that includes the way we interact with staff and students.
We have four Practicum students from the Gaylord College this semester; each one has seen their learning experience change in this new tele-commuting environment. Harry Lofton, Emmy Wildermuth, Lennon Bramlett and Jordan Gledhill are producing audio and video content for our news, production and financial development departments.
Our student employees have also had to adjust their roles. Taitum Wilson is producing community announcements about event postponements and cancellations, along with providing public service information. Drew Hutchinson is doing the Business Intelligence Report and Katelyn Howard is covering daily news, focusing on coronavirus stories.
We’re thankful for our students and the contributions they’re making to help us serve you during this crisis.
Until next time, with the Manager’s Minute, I’m Dick Pryor.