Each semester, KGOU welcomes University of Oklahoma students for class work and real-world professional experience.
Through our Practicum class and paid student positions, KGOU offers University of Oklahoma students the opportunity to learn and practice skills needed for successful careers in broadcast journalism and related fields.
Former OU students who did reporting for KGOU last year, Ryan Gaylor and Beth Wallis, have won prestigious international journalism awards presented by the Broadcast Education Association.
As the semester ends, we salute students who have contributed to KGOU while we add a new StateImpact Oklahoma reporter and program host.
KGOU and StateImpact Oklahoma staff updates announced as students return to campus.
This is the Manager’s Minute. This semester we have three University of Oklahoma students taking KGOU’s Practicum class. Becca Ynez is assisting Program…
This is the Manager’s Minute. Each semester, KGOU provides University of Oklahoma students the opportunity to learn skills in radio news, operations and…
This is the Manager’s Minute. The Fall semester is well underway at the University of Oklahoma and KGOU is providing an opportunity for Gaylord College…
This is the Manager’s Minute. With students returning to campus at the University of Oklahoma, we’ve made plans to teach our KGOU Practicum class in a…
This is the Manager’s Minute. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives and work in many ways. At KGOU, that includes the way we interact with staff and…